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4.6 ( 9136 ratings )
생산성 유틸리티
개발자: Insero
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AgPilotX is a next generation guidance system for aerial application.

AgPilotX is a guidance and flow control lightbar with WAAS GNSS, Wi-Fi and BLE wireless data link to your iPad and data logging. Set your guidance pattern in the AgPilotX app and see it in bright LEDs on the new lightbar. Watch your map draw all the as-applied area and at the same time see aerial imagery background maps. Seeing your current flow rate on AgPilotX makes you quickly aware of your flow systems accuracy. See your speed, altitude, heading. Save Snapshots to quickly resume your spray job after filling up. Save your landing strips to quickly return home.

Use the AgPilotX app away from the system to learn its use, train other pilots or to preload your spray jobs. A full featured device simulator allows all parts of the app to be used form the office without having a lightbar to connect to.